
Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the annual meeting of the Israeli Society of Otoneurology which will take place at the Daniel Hotel in Herzliya on February 13th, 2025.

Otoneurology is a wide multidisciplinary and diverse field. The conference aims to cover the medical and surgical aspects of both auditory and vestibular systems. We anticipate contributions from the different professions of the society including otology, audiology, physiotherapy and neurology.

This year we have two very exciting keynote lectures:

Prof.  Jay Rubinstein of the University of Washington, who will speak on:
Gene therapy for deafness: Where is it now and how might it impact cochlear implant management?

Prof. Philippe Lefebvre of CHU de Liège Belgium who will speak on:
Totally implantable cochlear implants

On behalf of the executive board of the society we are pleased to invite you to join us for a rich and comprehensive scientific day.

Professor Ronen Perez                  Professor Avi Shupak

When & Where

Thursday, 13 February, 2025


Daniel Hotel, Herzliya

Abstract Submission

This abstract submission form is closed

Starting in

Conference Secretariat

Aliza Herman

Paragon Team