About Us

The Pioneering Israeli Medicine Conference is a collaborative effort led by ScienceAbroad, along with

Sheba Research Authority (Tel-HaShomer), Israeli Medical Association, and Nefesh B'Nefesh and Hadassah Hospital.


The Israeli healthcare ecosystem stands out for its unique blend of robust public health services, highly skilled medical professionals, academia-industry-government collaboration, and R&D breakthrough initiatives. It fosters innovation, particularly during challenging times. This conference aims to achieve three main objectives:

1. Highlighting the Israeli healthcare ecosystem on a global stage.
2. Demonstrating the innovative strengths of the Israeli medical community.
3. Encouraging doctors from around the world to engage and collaborate with their Israeli counterparts.


Founded in 2008, ScienceAbroad is an Israel-based nonprofit organization dedicated to attracting top talent from overseas back to Israel, with a focus on reintegrating skilled scientists, researchers, and doctors. Our primary goal is to enhance the Israeli economy and society through the return of these professionals.


How We Do It:

Support Network: We create a robust support network for researchers and their families to ease their stay abroad, enabling them to focus and excel in their work.

Employment Opportunities: We increase the visibility of employment opportunities in Israel for Israeli researchers, scientists, and doctors living abroad, with an emphasis on academic, industry and entrepreneurial ventures.

Education: We provide our members with the necessary tools for successful integration into various employment tracks, including industry, academia, government, and entrepreneurship.

Cultural Reinforcement: We reinforce the Israeli identities of members’ children and strengthen their ties to Israel while abroad, encouraging families to return.

Return Support: We offer comprehensive support for members' return to Israel, including providing information and addressing bureaucratic barriers.

Public Engagement: We actively engage in public activities aimed at reversing the brain drain, advocating for policies and initiatives that support the return of skilled professionals to Israel.


ScienceAbroad is committed to fostering a vibrant and innovative scientific and medical community in Israel by connecting Israeli talent abroad with opportunities at home.

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